Can females do hair transplant?

A lot of women who are losing hairs start thinking of hair transplant as during the initial days all of us put in a lot efforts to resolve it with home remedies and eventually using hair loss control products. Now the root cause of hair loss need to be assessed by visiting an Aesthetic physician of Adgrohair clinic at the nearest location, where a detailed consultation will be done along with the assessment and solutions will be recommended. Women generally lose hairs due to hormonal changes, thyroid, PCOD, PCOS, stress, tension, lack of sleep, using contraceptive pills, coloring and straightening of hairs etc. Hair loss due to hormonal changes, thyroid, PCOD and PCOS are irreversible and the hairline starts receding causing major hair-loss on the forelock zone or the partition zone. The hair-loss causes visibility of the scalp and loss of volume and density. This situation is a major concern to every women and at times even treatments like PRP, GFC, Mesotherapy doesn’t work when the follicles are dead or left the body and that point of time hair transplant is the only option. Women can get their hair transplants done without shaving the head as the Surgeon takes the advantage of the long hairs on the back to camouflage the extracted area. The surgeon generally choses the occipital zone and shave a small area like a box and extract follicles from there which is camouflaged by the long hairs very easily and no one can make out that the follicles are been extracted from the area. Eventually after a weeks’ time hairs start growing back from the extracted area and then it becomes normal in couple of months’ time. The extracted hair follicles are then implanted on the recipient areas of the hairline and forelock zone to create density and an arched beautiful hairline which makes the forehead of women much smaller to give a much younger look. This transplanted hair follicles are permanent and grows naturally after 3 months’ time and completes the growth cycle by 9-12 months’ time. The procedure is performed in just few hours’ time and we get back hair for life which is natural growing non maintenance hairs. The procedure starts in the morning by making the small portion of the donor area ready and changing the client into an OT gown, followed by delivery of local anesthesia on the back of the scalp which will make the scalp completely numb and ready for the extraction of the healthy hair follicles from the back which is immune to DHT hormones, post extraction its been separated and preserved in the special solution and -4 degree temperature to prevent the tissues from shock and trauma. The surgeon marks the hairline again and the areas of the implants and starts implanting the hair follicles giving proper angulation and density on the hairline. The rest of the hair follicles are then implanted covering the forelock zone with uniform gap filling distribution of brick pattern. The implants starts getting settled on the scalp within 72 hours’ time and then forms into scabs which starts shedding by the 10th day after we start taking head bath from the third day of the procedure. The scalp looks completely normal by 12 to 14 days’ time and hair starts shedding off in the telogen phase by completing of 25 to 30 days’ time. The growth cycle returns back by the third month and starts growing at a pace of 1 cm per month. By the 6th month the growth is visible and by 12 months the implanted hair follicles grows a longer hair to give your scalp an excellent definition to style and comb. A visit to Adgrohair and meeting the Surgeon on the 3rd, 6th and 9th month is suggested to understand the progress of the Hair transplant procedure done which will stay throughout your life apart from contraindications.

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