Hair transplant is a 100% safe and successful procedure to be performed by the leading hair transplant surgeons. Hair transplant is the best solution to get back natural growing non maintenance hairs on the scalp and its just an one day procedure to be performed which grows naturally over a period of one year time. Hair transplant is the method of relocating healthy hair follicles which are immune to DHT hormones from the back of the scalp to the recipient areas wherever hair is required. The process of hair transplant is performed in two ways, FUT & FUE. FUE is relatively the new method of performing hair transplant and more successful than the previous surgical method of FUT. The FUE method id been performed by a skilled and profile Surgeon eligible to do hair transplant procedures along with expert OT technicians. The procedure is divided into 3 parts.
- Extraction – The hair follicles are been extracted with the help of FUE pen attached with a hollow cylindrical punch of size 0.7 mm of diameter till 1mm which depends on the quality and thickness of the hair follicle unit grafts. These grafts are been extracted with the help of the rotor motor and FUE pen to make a groove around the healthy grafts which need to be removed from the scalp for harvesting. The hair follicles are removed one by one carefully and placed in the graft tray or a petri dish dipped in follicle restoration liquid.
2. Separation & storage – Separation of the grafts and storage is particularly important in order to provide optimum graft survival post implants. The extracted follicular unit grafts are been separated into single or two hair bearing tissue by forceps very carefully by the OT technicians dipped in the special solution for the grafts to survive for a long time since it’s been separated from the body. Storing the grafts in a low temperature of -4 degrees is what most of the profiled surgeons prefer to make the graft more harder and easy to implant which incurs less injury or trauma of the implanting process.
3. Implanting – The most important part of hair transplant is the implanting method where the Surgeon delivers his or her’s surgical skills.
There are many substantial points where medical science needs precision, accuracy, SOP maintenance and medical protocols to deliver a successful hair transplant procedure. As it’s a daycare procedure and performed in OPD’s many clinics are reluctant to take proper measures on the practice of hair transplant. Un-qualified doctors, in experienced OT technicians, in adequate facilities in the operation theatre, safety measures, hygiene, proper sterilization of instruments, autoclaving of linens, scrubs, OT gowns, fumigation etc are mandatory things to carry out a successful hair transplant procedure. Eventually the skills of the Surgeon play a major role as in how the hair follicular unit grafts are been extracted without transecting, shock and trauma free and then separated, and stored in a special fluid at -4 degree temperature to prevent the follicles from further shock loss. Creating proper channels and implanting it in the dermis layer of the skin follicle by follicle is ensures the hair bearing tissues are been implanted in the right depth, direction to get a proper growth. Achieving optimum density also depends on the surgeons skills of denser packing of hair follicles in per sq cm area.
Considering all these a hair transplant procedures success ratio is determined and defaulting these will result in failure of the procedure.