Hair fibers are natural products produced from Keratin protein and silicon fibers, and generally extracted from the vegetable extracts. The keratin protein is been processed to add electro static bonds which when applied on the scalp it gets attached to the existing hair strands making the area look fuller and thicker which completely camouflage’s the scalp visibility. The denser look created by applying hair fibers are completely natural and there are no side effects of it. But the hair fibers may get washed off in heavy rain or while swimming and heavy sweating due to sports activities. In dry scalp the static electricity bonding capabilities of the hair fibers work really well for long hours till it’s been washed off. The hair fibers are available in different colors like, natural black, bark brown, light brown, Caucasian yellow etc. The hair fibers are the natural camouflage’s and acts alike cosmetic concealers as appearance for daily usage, before any occasions, parties, ceremonies or any other social events. Some people use the hair fibers regularly and are addicted to it keeping it essentially in their travel kit or grooming desk. It’s a matter of confidence when our hair looks good with appropriate styling and voluminous. The hair fibers are generally used all over the scalp and men mostly use it on the crown areas, hairline and forelock zones. Women too use it on the hairline, and forelock zones to create a fuller and denser hair look.
Hair fibers available in India as mostly imported ones which are of optimum quality but pricing are quite steep of the imported brands. One hair & skin pro hair fibers is an exceptional product available in Adgrohair clinic outlets and even online through 1mypro.com website and are extremely natural and safe to be used regularly without any side effects.
The hair fibers can also be used to camouflage the grey roots after few days of root touch up when the color starts fading off and the gery hairs are seen making the scalp appearance look older.
Hair fibers cannot stop hair loss or even grow hair, it’s a natural concealing agent of scalp visibility, denser and thicker hair look product which doesn’t need any physician’s recommendation and falls under the personal care product category.