Hair loss in women happen due to several reasons but mostly due to stress, tension, lack of sleep, malnutrition, crash diet, hormonal changes, PCOD, PCOS, thyroid and child birth. Now these reasons are unforeseen and one can’t predict when it will happen. All these issue are periodic and not chronic and mostly happen due to lifestyle issues. Now whenever we see womens health concern there is a triggering factor of TSH, T3 & T4 hormones in a womens body which gets converted to DHT hormones causing major hair loss. Stress and tension raises the adrenaline rush in the body triggering the testosterone levels in a women body and in results causes hair loss. Now these hair loss issues are temporary and tend to get resolved on undergoing treatments like, Oxygen laser therapy, PRP Stemx 27, Regen Pro9 GFC, Mesotherapy in Adgrohair clinics. These treatments generally help us in restoring the lost hairs back and with the advancements in these treatments worldwide and now in Adgrohair clinics in India people have a shy of relief. Medically not all the lost hairs come back but according to medical science 70% of the lost hairs can restored if the hair follicle is still alive. Stress and tension are the major issues in most of the women in city culture whether a working women or a home maker. Working women undergo more stress compared to homemakers as they are under financial stress also to be contribute in the family. Stress is known to cause hormonal imbalances in women and not only acne and pigmentation formation but also hair loss on the hairline and forelock zone is experience with thinning and scalp visibility. So whenever you experience such kind of hair loss, do visit an Adgrohair clinic near you to meet the Aesthetic physician and know the right cause and start hair restoration treatments on recommendations.