Many of us don’t have any clue as in what to do when hair loss starts and we keep trying to control it by changing products to be used on the scalp from shampoo to conditioner, serum to styling products, slowly and gradually we start using hair-loss control products to curb the hair-loss but generally apart from minoxidil topical application nothing else scientifically works to slow down the loss. Post research by many medical schools its been found that that laser application in a low level helps in reviving blood circulation in the scalp hair follicles. The diode laser version of the laser therapy has been proven to the best option to control hair loss on prolonged usage. The laser technology is a soft bean low frequency 655nm2 joules length laser delivery system which reaches the scalp hair follicles uninterruptedly to regulate the blood circulation and revive the hair follicles back to a healthy state. The phototherapeutic effect of the Oxygen laser therapy from Adgrohair 1mypro laser machines is the most advanced version of laser beam in the country which is the improvised version of the older version of the Diode laser beam. The Oxygen laser therapy is the must do procedure for men and women when they experience hair-loss in the initial stages. This laser beam is US FDA approved and doesn’t have any side effects at all. When we sit under the laser beam its quite relaxing and doesn’t have any sensation on the scalp. For optimum results 32 to 34 sessions of laser therapy need to be undergone along with the topical application of minoxidil everyday. The ideal gap between each sessions of laser therapy should be 10 days. Hence every fortnight a visit to Adgrohair for your laser therapy session is must where you can even work on your laptop or tab, read books or magazines while undergoing the session.