Hair care is a necessary thing for everyone irrespective of male or female. The number of haircare products available in the market are uncountable, and many hair care products origin are also not known as they are made at home in India and labelled. Hair care products sold in super markets, hyper markets, fashion stores and cosmetic stores are either US FDA approved products or if Indian made will have CDSCO certified with ISI trademarked. Now these certifications are approved by the government of India and global US FDA approval is a global standard given to foreign brands of products like loreal. Every hair care products used on scalp tend to get deposited on the forehead at night while sleeping causing the forehead skin pores to get blocked and that leads to bacteria formation in the glands which causes breakouts on the forehead, sometime the breakouts are small in size and in large number which looks like grains in the forehead and while we touch it feels uneven and at times we could see that if it’s not been addressed then it may cause larger breakouts and acne’s which may be also pustular in nature. The breakouts and acne’s caused on the forehead often cause scars on which may be in deep in nature if its from the pustular acne. The oil content in the hair care products generally gets absorbed in the skin and starts getting into the glands to make the skin oily. The hair care products contains several chemicals and essential oils like silicon’s, petroleum jelly, sodium lauryl, ammonium lauryl, and then essential oils like shea butter, jojoba, hibiscus, tea tree oils, olive oil etc. The detergent ingredients used in the shampoo’s these days also causes skin disorders to clients with sensitive skins. The panthenol also causes skin breakouts which is used in most of the conditioners. Henceforth clients with sensitive and oily skin need to be careful while choosing their hair products and should pick up products which is sulphate, paraben, panthenol and alkaline free. Visit your nearest Adgrohair & Adgloskin clinic to understand more about the hair products to use and what suits you. One hair pro products launched recently in India suits every skin and scalp type, and to know more ask your Adgrohair & Adgloskin Aesthetic physician.