A hair transplant is a surgical method that involves blood loss and incisions on the scalp skin to implant hair follicles. Itching is a concern that appears post-hair transplant and is a common concern as the healing period arrives off the skin causing severe itching on the extracted areas and the scabbed areas of the implants.
The healing of the skin makes the surface of the skin dry with moisture loss and accumulation of dead skin cells which causes itching on the scalp. The itching tendency starts from the 7th or 8th day post-hair transplant and proper post-procedure guideline adherence will subside the tendencies.
Whenever itching is unbearable apply a body lotion or coconut oil and it will subside it soon. Scratching the scalp or using any other commodities to scratch the areas of itching is prohibited to avoid dislodging grafts which are fresh implants.
Such actions also can cause infections in the grafts so touching the scalp or the grafts is completely prohibited.
Always use body lotion or coconut oil, take it on your palm, and gently apply it on the areas that have itching tendencies. During the healing process, our skin releases some chemicals called histamines that cause itching in the healing areas. Generally, it will last for a week or so and the skin bonding will eliminate the signs of itching. Cleansing your scalp with baby shampoo every day will also help in subsiding the itching tendencies on the back of the scalp. It is important to administer patience and avoid any scratching of the implanted and extraction zones even if it becomes unbearable. Meet the Adgrohair Aesthetic physician to know more and the best remedies on post-procedure guidelines and their adherence to them.